Set Shot Practice

Tactical Problem:  Pass to open player

Skill development: Passing, set-shot

Teaching Points


  • Set Shot with demo and 3 points

  • 1. arms bent: non-dominant hand on side of ball to balance it, shooting hand on side of ball facing forehead with the wrist cocked back. 
    2. ball to rest on the fingers with the fingers spread. Should be a space between palm of the hand and the ball. 
    3. ball above forehead 
    4. follow-through: analogy- reaching hand in net/cookie jar. 
    5. knees bent with foot of shooting hand slightly forward. The shot is initiated as the legs extend up leading to the arms extending and the shooting hand following through towards the target.
    Organizational Points
    • In partners, one at top corner of key, other at bottom corner of key.
    • Player takes ten set shots while partner rebounds and gives feedback on the three teaching points. Switch.
    • Extensions: Timed to see how many can get in one minute. Compare with other people on court. This will force pair to work as team and make quick rebounds.
    • Rebounder rush set shot to force quick release.
    Click on image to see video clip